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Sophia Peterson
14 minutes ago4 min read
The Way of Water
I speculate on the theory of trout often, and wonder what they make of the chaos above the surface. Do they know of what is to come?...

Jordan Finney
4 days ago3 min read
King of the Upland
My pants are soaked from the morning dew left on the underbrush. I’ve just tripped a third time over a decapitated stump from a state...

Michael Deeter
7 days ago3 min read
Paying the Tax Man
We dropped anchor under a blood red Mexican sky in a leeward anchorage off the coast of Isla San Francisco. The old sailor’s maxim held...

Bushman Team
Jan 283 min read
Sitka Duck Oven
“I love shooting late season mallards as much as the next guy, but damn, I can’t handle the cold like I used to.” My friend Logan shouted...

Cole Burton
Jan 223 min read
Axis Hill Country
“You brought your bow?” My guide asked me, just as he spit out his chewing tobacco a little too close to my boots. “Yeah. I brought my...

Edgar Castillo
Jan 174 min read
Dan had just finished MacGyvering my Remington 870 16-gauge shotgun to my bird vest, allowing me the use of a trekking pole for the...

Doug Pelton
Jan 124 min read
Ghost of the Limpopo
The African sun beat down with unrelenting intensity, baking the red soil of the Limpopo province. Even in the early morning, the heat...

Paul Woodmansee
Jan 54 min read
Manhunt For Noriega
Manuel Noriega, the Commanding Officer of the Panamanian Defense Forces and the Maximum Leader of the Republic of Panama, was sopping...

Jacob Fehr
Dec 31, 20244 min read
California Isn't Completely F*cked... Yet
“I’m telling you, when I was stationed out in Southern California, I saw the most beautiful landscapes, experienced the best food, rode...

Dylan Hayward
Dec 21, 20246 min read
Pawn Shop Score
My father holds a lot of titles; father, husband, grandfather, business-owner, follower-of-Christ, beekeeper, hunter, he’s an original...

Edgar Castillo
Dec 13, 20243 min read
Russians Bearing Gifts
In late November 1818, Russki born Vasily Mikhailovich Golovnin was on his second bout around the world when he sailed the Russian...

Doug Pelton
Dec 6, 20244 min read
Red Stags in the Rain
Niall motioned me to crawl toward him. As I crept forward, low to the ground, through the water and the mud I could feel the cold seeping...

Sophia Peterson
Nov 30, 20244 min read
Hits & Misses
Ruark worked in front of me like a dog that had been chasing pheasants longer than he has- he quartered only steps ahead, following bird...

Bradley Johnson
Nov 24, 20243 min read
This is Africa
It’s a funny thing, bonding over shared history with someone from another culture. I was in Namibia, on my first safari. It happened to...

Bushman Team
Nov 21, 20243 min read
Kifaru Steelhead
The amount of chest-rigs I have gone through each season is embarrassing. Whether chasing elk in the backcountry, treestand hunting...

Caleb Daniels
Nov 15, 20243 min read
Indy's Gun
Growing up, I didn’t have a whole lot of common interests with my father. Sure we hunted deer in the fall and birds once the winter chill...

Bushman Team
Nov 12, 20242 min read
Bajio Sunglasses
We met the guys at Bajio on a fishing trip along the Alabama coast, and we clicked with them pretty immediately. But they were just cool...

Edgar Castillo
Nov 7, 20243 min read
The Bird Boys
In Latino America, where wingshooting can be synonymous with triple digit totals of wildfowl shot, it is the unsung bird boys who are...

Adam S
Nov 2, 20243 min read
A Call for Unity in Rural America
As the 2024 harvest wraps up and hunters begin to arrive, I’m reminded of the pivotal role we play in each other’s lives. I own and...

Richy Harrod
Oct 30, 20243 min read
October Harvest
The two-track forest road rounded dry ridges and crossed small draws with little to no flowing water. The road was overgrown with...
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